Trial Services – Realtime Court Reporting

Access testimony in realtime for all parties in a trial

Benefit Of Realtime Court Reporting Services In Your Next Trial

Adding a realtime court reporter from Independent Reporters can provide many benefits to having your trial run smoothly and can even help to move things along quickly to save time overall. This is beneficial to the Court and also your clients. Here are four key points for you to consider if you have an upcoming trial:

1 – Instant Access to the Live Testimony During the Trial

Realtime court reporting during a civil trial provides you with a live transcript delivered to your computer screen or tablet. Having the live testimony available allows for greater comprehension of what is being said during the proceedings.

Co-counsel and paralegals can focus on the content of the witness testimony and make it easier for taking notes. During the testimony, your team can do further research on an area that you feel you may want to focus on further. Lead counsel can direct the questions and have updates provided to them from their associates who are viewing the realtime text on their own devices. If there is an outside Internet connection available, you can even have a team back at your offices connected to the realtime transcript and help to assist remotely.

During the current COVID-19 situation, trials may also be conducted remotely with all parties being able to participate by video and receive the realtime text feed at their home office or wherever they may be located.

2 – Search Testimony, Mark Live Evidence for Review

During the proceedings, realtime court reporting services allow for much greater access to information. You can quickly mark a line of the live testimony to refer to later in your questioning or at the break and your associates can add notes to sections of text for later reference as well. Searching the live transcript also gives you the capability to go back to something that happened earlier in the day and easily find what was referenced earlier.

In using these simple features, you have more access to information than if you were trying to keep notes manually on paper. Many people who use realtime services also comment that the trial can move along quicker as all parties can use the realtime transcript to look at testimony that was provided instead of guessing or trying to recall exactly what was said.

3 – Daily Draft Transcripts for Next-Day Preparation by Your Team

Part of our service package for realtime trial services gives all parties, including the Judge, a copy of what we call a cleaned-up draft. This is usually provided no longer than an hour after the proceedings are done.

Using this draft transcript you can review the proceedings from the day and begin your preparation for the next day. Having a draft transcript keeps your costs down without limiting you to the transcript information that you need to help you get ready to continue to exam your witness or help your team with addressing other issues with upcoming witnesses for other days. You will also benefit from having the transcripts for the final oral or written argument.

Another key person to have involved in receiving the services is the Court. It is a good idea to make sure that whoever is presiding on the case also receives the realtime feed. This will allow the presiding member to make their own notes and follow along so that their review and summary of all testimony can be used in their decision-making process.

4 – What Equipment Do You Need?

Independent Reporters makes this part easy. Some clients like to use their laptop, but most prefer to have one of our tablets in place so that they can reference documents on their computer and be able to view the realtime transcript on the tablet. IR will work with all parties to ensure full inclusion of services and provide training so you are comfortable in all that you will need to know with how to use the realtime transcript in the live trial setting.

How Do You Get Realtime Court Reporting Services For Your Trial?

Just use the Contact Form below for your initial inquiry or call and one of our team members who will be happy to provide all the details that you need to get started with realtime court reporting services for your trial.

Contact Us


Calgary – 403.265.2550
Edmonton – 780.488.1464
Nationwide – 800.340.1352


Alberta Office Addresses

228, 404 6 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 0R9

730, 9707 110 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5K 2L9