Customized Reporting & Litigation Support Services to Fit Your Needs.

Independent Reporters undertook the challenge of the NNRC Green Commission to meet their standards and become the first, and ONLY, court reporting company in Canada to be certified green! The management team at IR felt it was the right thing to do to reduce the impact we make on the environment. We know our industry creates a lot of waste, but by making changes in both our Calgary and Edmonton offices, we are doing our part to minimize our footprint on the planet.

What Did We Do To Go Green?
Here is a brief summary of some of the steps IR took to receive our Green Certification.

  • Promote paperless transcripts
  • Print all transcripts two-sided (have been since 1996)
  • Use minimum 30% recycled paper for transcripts In-house recycling program for all recyclables
  • Use electronic memos/emails instead of paper
  • Turn off all non-essential equipment at night
  • Use e-waste programs for all electronic disposal
  • Replace computer equipment with Energy Star equipment
  • Use recycled paper for letterhead and promo material
  • Replace all office lighting with energy efficient lights
  • Use power saving features on computers/printers
  • Promote staff to work from home where possible
  • Deliver invoices electronically instead of printing

Client Benefits
By using Independent Reporters for your court reporting services you can do help us to help the environment. When you place a Green Order you will receive a $15.00 credit on your invoice for each transcript that you order, plus there are also no delivery charges. (Please note that if you were the examiner and ordered, then we will still need to deliver the original transcript to you for filing purposes. This will incur a delivery charge)

All invoices are now delivered electronically. This provides quicker receipt of the invoice so that you can allocate your costs to your clients.

Transcripts are archived and available 24 hours a day on our repository. If you misplace your transcript you can easily download another copy at your convenience. Don’t have a password? Contact us and we will arrange to set this up for you and also provide you with a demo of who our online repository works.

Contact us to learn more first-hand about our green court reporting services.






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 Contact Us 

Calgary Office – 403.265.2550
Edmonton Office – 780.488.1464
Nationwide Toll-Free – 800.340.1352


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