Well, we haven't really been closed as our services were essential to the legal community, but since things are reopening, we want to let you know about the standards and protocols we will have in place at our Calgary and Edmonton offices. Independent Reporters will...
Let Our Edmonton Office Host Your Next Discovery

Calgary and Edmonton Court Reporting Offices Open

Local Edmonton Court Reporting Company Supporting Local Businesses
Our Court Reporters Support Other Local Businesses! Edmonton Independent Reporters is an Alberta-owned court reporting company. We're not owned by a corporation from the United States, nor are we managed by people who are not from Alberta. We are local and, by being...

How To Still Depose A Witness During COVID-19 Outbreak
During this unprecedented time of dealing with COVID-19, we are receiving questions from clients about what they can do to question a witness. Many people do not want to meet and remain in the safety of their trusted office space or remaining at home. The solution is...

Schedule Court Reporting Services in Edmonton or Calgary in 4 Easy Steps
Setting Up Court Reporting Services in Calgary and Edmonton Just Got Easier! You're busy. You've just finished setting up all the parties and agreed upon dates, times and everything else that goes along with scheduling the deposition of a witness. Now, the next step,...
Let Our Edmonton Office Host Your Next Discovery

Thank You For A Wonderful 2019
We want to thank our clients as we near the end of 2019. It is also a great time to reflect on this past year, and decade, and think of the wonderful experiences we have enjoyed in providing court reporting services to our clients in Calgary and Edmonton. The growth...

Discoveries With A View
Need a boardroom in Edmonton to depose a witness? We know it can be distracting to depose a witness with this view! But when you need to use our boardrooms in Edmonton, they are available complimentary when you schedule a court reporter for your upcoming discovery,...

Court Reporter Word Fun – Palindromes
Court Reporter Word Fun - Palindromes As court reporters, transcripts and words are the core of what we provide for clients. Knowledge of words, and their meaning, is a significant part of ensuring accurate creation of transcripts for discoveries, depositions, trials...
iHuman Kick It Up 2018
The iHuman Youth Society is a wonderful group that works with traumatized youth who live in high-risk lifestyles. The team at iHuman works with these young people to help them find their creativity and a sense of belonging in society. This year the Edmonton office of...
Edmonton Independent Reporters is Moving!
Effective August 1, 2017, Edmonton Independent Reporters (IR) will move to our new premises located at: 730, 9707 110 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5K 2L9 Phone numbers remain the same The new facilities will provide clients with modern amenities and enhanced services in a...