Calgary and Edmonton Court Reporting Offices Open
Well, we haven’t really been closed as our services were essential to the legal community, but since things are reopening, we want to let you know about the standards and protocols we will have in place at our Calgary and Edmonton offices. Independent Reporters will continue to provide remote court reporting services to our legal clients anywhere they may be working from in the province. Our services include providing court reporters for remote questioning, remote realtime court reporting services for trials, arbitrations and tribunals and also hosting mediations.
Independent Reporters is following the Alberta Biz Connect Workplace Guidance in our offices. Please note the following guidelines our team is adhering to during the prescribed requirements as required by the government of Alberta and Alberta Health Services.
- IR Team Members are required to wear face masks unless the employee is working alone in an enclosed or personal area without others in the same location.
- Visitors to our building are to follow the entrance and exit markings when entering our main floor lobby. There will also be postings on where to wait for elevators and the number of people in elevators. Please follow these guidelines.
Our building is also taking extra cleaning measures with increased disinfecting on frequent contact points and using a solution that meets the standards of ASH (EP50). - Upon entering our building please use the hand sanitizer located in all elevator banks before entering the elevators.
- Visitors are highly encouraged to wear face masks unless the visitor is working alone in an enclosed area within our office. (Face masks are NOT provided by IR)
- Social Distancing within our office space is to be practiced by maintaining a two-metre or six-foot distance from others while in IR offices. Extra chairs in boardrooms will be removed to allow for defining acceptable social distancing while conducting discoveries.
- Frequent cleaning and sanitizing of all high touch areas in our office will be performed by our staff.
- Court reporters and staff are to wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizer that is provided throughout the office.
- All court reporters and staff will avoid sharing office equipment such as pens, phones, and keyboards.
- All commonly used spaces & conference rooms will be stocked with disinfectant cleaner and hand sanitizer, which should be used frequently.
- Avoid any handshaking or touching during introductions.
- Witnesses will primarily be affirmed, however, if taking an oath on the Bible is preferred, this will be covered in plastic.
Please remember if you are not feeling well, you should stay home. If you are sick or appear to be sick, we may ask you to return home. We all must do our part in protecting ourselves and minimizing the risk of infection.
CMOH Order 05-2020 legally obligates individuals who have a cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat (that is not related to a pre-existing illness or health condition) to be in isolation for 10 days from the start of symptoms, or until symptoms resolve, whichever takes longer.